San Diego Fine Woodworkers Association

SIG - Design
with Tim Peachey


April 12 (Monday)
at 7:00 pm (GMT-07:00)

Class length
120 minutes

Learn, exchange ideas, show projects and build friendships around the theme of design.

Leader: Tim Peachey

You're invited to participate in a video meeting with SDFWA members.

This event will be held using the Zoom video conferencing system.
  • You do not need a Zoom account to participate, just the software.
  • You can participate using your computer (Windows or MacOS)
    or phone or tablet (either iOS, MacOS or Android work fine).
  • You DO need to install the Zoom software, click here to install.
It is important that you have installed Zoom before the event.
Having problems or want to test? Write [email protected].

Here are just a few guidelines to be aware of when participating:

Online video requires a certain protocol to be effective with groups.

To minimize distracting noises it's helpful to mute when your'e not talking. That doesn't mean you can't interact! The chat feature allows you to text 1-on-1 with whomever you like or with the whole group in general. If you'd like to present then you can raise your hand and the speaker we turn to you when appropriate.

Along the bottom of your video screen are a series of buttons to help.
- Mute: when not speaking click Mute. Click again to talk.
- Participants: in this window you'll find the Raise Hand button.
- Chat: using the Chat feature you can interact via text with others.

There's much you can do with Zoom when speaking but here's a tip. It's not just video of your face! You can share your screen to present slides, show pictures or even play video. Do what's most effective to get your ideas across when you have the floor.

During the COVID Crisis we're doing what we can at the SDFWA to bring our suspended programs back to life using video and discussions technology. If you have an idea for a program via video then propose it. Write us a note at [email protected] and we'll get back to you.


Sorry - that class has already taken place!
