San Diego Fine Woodworkers Association

SIG - Fundamentals
with Wes Berneberg


October 30 (Sunday)
at 3:00 pm

Class length
60 minutes

Are you new to woodworking and are confused about what to do next?

Would you like to learn more about the basics of woodworking?

Learn about the various tools and groups available in the SDFWA Shop?

Have questions and don’t know where to turn?

Looking for someone to help you with your project?


The beginners Special Interest Group (SIG) is here for you.

This is a place for new woodworkers to have their questions answered and discussed.

Even experienced woodworkers will learn something new.


We will discuss subjects of interest brought up by members.

We will have demonstrations of tools and techniques available in the shop.

We will talk about projects that will introduce new techniques and tools.

These meetings are open to the public.  You do not have to be a shop member to attend.


Sorry - that class has already taken place!
